Best 999 Tattoo Ideas and Meaning

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999 tattoo ideas and designs

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Are you thinking of getting a tattoo of the number 999?

That’s a great idea!

But do you know the 999 tattoo meaning?

The meaning of the number 999 is about endings. It suggests that a major phase or cycle in your life is coming to an end. It’s time to let go of the past and embrace new beginnings.

You will find all the information, meaning, and tattoo ideas in this article.

The number 999 is usually called Angel number 999. Angel numbers are messages from your spiritual guides. Each number has its specific meaning. 

Like any other tattoo, you can make a tattoo of it. Simply be sure to know its exact meaning.

Don’t forget that a tattoo is permanent! 

As an Angel number specialist, I spent hours of research writing this article. Also as a tattoo fan (I have 5 big tattoos), I put a lot of my own experience into it. 

Keep reading if you want to learn:

Enjoy my article and hopefully, it will help you to design your 999 tattoo!


It’s important to understand clearly the meaning of the number 999 before making a tattoo of it.

The number 999 is usually referred to as an angel number

What is an angel number?

Angel numbers are very popular now. They are spiritual messages you see in the most common places in your life. It can be the number 999 in a phone number or an address number 999 in the street, or the latest receipt totaling $9.99. 

If you see the number 999 multiple times in your life, it’s certainly your angel number. It has a personal meaning for you and that’s a great idea to make a tattoo of it. 

But first, let’s take a look at the different meanings of the number 999. After that, you will easily be able to find the perfect design for your 999 tattoo.

999 angel number meaning

In numerology, the number 9 means that a part of your life may be coming to an end. Seeing nines in an angel number (in a sequence of 3 or 4, or a pattern) suggests a cycle is coming to an end and a new process will start.

When tripled, the number 999 amplifies these energies

It’s a perfect time to think about leaving this job that makes you unhappy or starting a new project. Whatever you decide to stop, the universe is on your side to support this change and its difficulties.

When you keep seeing this number, it is a sign that your angels are trying to communicate with you. They also guide you on your spiritual journey. 

Here are the meanings of the angel number 999:

Completion and closure: The angels may be urging you to let go of relationships, or situations that no longer serve your highest good. It’s time to release the past and move on to new opportunities and experiences

Spiritual transformation: The angel number 999 may also be a sign that you are going through a significant spiritual transformation. The angels are encouraging you to trust the journey and embrace the changes that are happening in your life. This could involve letting go of old beliefs and habits, and exploring new spiritual practices. It’s time to connect with your intuition and inner wisdom.

Service to others: Another possible meaning of the angel number 999 is that the angels are calling you to serve others in a meaningful way. You have unique talents and gifts that can benefit others, and the angels are encouraging you to use them to make a positive impact in the world.

Overall, the angel number 999 is a powerful message from the angels. They encourage you to let go of the past, embrace transformation, and move towards your highest potential. 

Trust the journey and have faith that the angels are guiding and supporting you every step of the way.

How to Connect with the Energy of the Angel Number 999?

If you want to connect with the energy of the angel number 999, follow these simple tips:

  • Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. When you see the angel number 888, pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. What are you thinking about at the time? What emotions are you experiencing?

  • Meditate: Meditation is a powerful tool for connecting with your inner wisdom and the divine. Set aside some time each day to sit in silence, breathe deeply, and focus on the present moment. You can also use guided meditations on Youtube.

  • Practice gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful way to attract abundance and positivity into your life. Make a habit of expressing gratitude for the blessings in your life, no matter how small they may seem. By focusing on what you have, rather than what you lack, you can shift your energy towards abundance and attract more of it into your life.

Let’s see now what kind of designs are the best for your 999 tattoo with the meaning of an ending, and a new beginning.


There is nothing wrong with making a small and intimate 999 tattoo. But you may also consider incorporating your angel number 999 into a symbolic design.

It’s a great way to make your 999 tattoo more meaningful and personal.

Let’s have a look at the different symbols of endings and new beginnings you can use to design your tattoo! 

And don’t worry! I listed for you the best symbols, animals, flowers, quotes, and colors!

Symbols that represent endings and new beginnings

  • The Ankh is an Egyptian symbol that represents the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
999 tattoo meaning Ankh
999 tattoo meaning Ankh
  • The Ouroboros is a symbol of a snake or dragon eating its own tail, representing cyclicality, renewal, and completion.
999 tattoo meaning Ouroboro
999 tattoo meaning Ouroboro
  • The infinity symbol is a symbol that represents the concept of endlessness, or the continuation of something without an end.
999 tattoo meaning infinity symbol
999 tattoo meaning infinity symbol
  • The yin-yang symbol is a symbol representing the balance between opposing forces, such as light and dark or life and death. And the idea that everything contains the seed of its opposite.
999 tattoo meaning ying yang
999 tattoo meaning ying yang
  • The mandala is a geometric pattern that symbolizes the universe and the concept of wholeness. It’s often used as a symbol of completion or closure.
999 tattoo meaning mandala
999 tattoo meaning mandala
  • The Celtic knot is a symbol of interconnectedness and the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
999 tattoo meaning celtic knot
999 tattoo meaning celtic knot
  • The Tree of Life is a symbol that represents the interconnectedness of all things, and the cycle of birth, growth, death, and rebirth.
999 tattoo meaning tree of life
999 tattoo meaning tree of life
  • The crescent moon is a symbol of the cyclical nature of time and the changing of the seasons. It’s often used to represent the end of one phase and the beginning of another.
999 tattoo meaning crescent moon
999 tattoo meaning crescent moon

Animals that represent endings and new beginnings

  • The phoenix is a mythical bird that rises from its own ashes, symbolizing renewal and rebirth.
999 tattoo meaning phoenix
999 tattoo meaning phoenix
  • Butterflies are known for their transformative life cycle. It starts with them as caterpillars before they metamorphose into beautiful butterflies. This makes them a symbol of new beginnings and personal growth.
999 tattoo meaning butterflies
999 tattoo meaning butterflies
  • Snakes are often associated with shedding their skin, which is a powerful symbol of transformation and renewal. This makes them a symbol of new beginnings and the ability to leave the past behind.
999 tattoo meaning snake
999 tattoo meaning snake
  • Dragonflies are also known for their metamorphosis. They spend much of their early life as nymphs before they transform into the flying insects we know and love. This makes them a symbol of change and personal growth.
999 tattoo meaning dragonfly
999 tattoo meaning dragonfly
  • Bears are often associated with hibernation, which is a period of rest and renewal. This makes them a symbol of endings and new beginnings, as well as the ability to start fresh after a period of rest.
999 tattoo meaning bear
999 tattoo meaning bear

Flowers that represent endings and new beginnings

  • The lotus flower is a symbol of enlightenment and spiritual rebirth, as the lotus grows from the mud and rises above the water to bloom.
999 tattoo meaning lotus and butterflies
999 tattoo meaning lotus and butterflies
  • Daffodils are one of the first flowers to bloom in the spring, which makes them a symbol of new beginnings and renewal. They are also sometimes associated with endings, as they can represent the end of winter and the start of spring.
999 tattoo meaning daffodils
999 tattoo meaning daffodils
  • Cherry blossoms are often associated with the fleeting nature of life, as their delicate flowers bloom for only a short time each year. This makes them a symbol of the impermanence of all things and the need to appreciate the present moment.
999 tattoo meaning cherry blossom
999 tattoo meaning cherry blossom
  • White lilies are often used in funeral arrangements. They represent the idea of the soul returning to a state of innocence and purity after death. This can also be interpreted as a new beginning or a fresh start.
999 tattoo meaning white lilies
999 tattoo meaning white lilies
  • Roses can have different meanings depending on their color, but they are often associated with love and beauty. However, black roses can represent endings, while white roses can represent new beginnings.
999 tattoo meaning white rose
999 tattoo meaning white rose
  • Sunflowers are often associated with happiness, positivity, and optimism. It makes them a symbol of new beginnings and a bright future. They can also represent the end of one chapter and the start of another, as they follow the movement of the sun.
999 tattoo meaning sunflower
999 tattoo meaning sunflower

10 Best Quotes about endings and new beginnings

  • “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” – Seneca
  • “Every exit is an entry somewhere else.” – Tom Stoppard
  • “Life is about endings and new beginnings. When something ends, something new begins and we don’t look back.” – Unknown
  • “You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.” – Unknown
  • “No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.” – Buddha
  • “Every day is a new beginning. Take a deep breath and start again.” – Unknown
  • “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” – Lao Tzu
  • “The beginning is always today.” – Mary Shelley
  • “The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all.” – Josiyah Martin
  • “Don’t be afraid of endings. They are necessary for new beginnings.” – Unknown

Remember, a tattoo is a permanent decision!

So choose the quote that resonates with you the most and that you’ll be happy to have on your body for the rest of your life.

Colors that represent endings and new beginnings

  • Black is often associated with endings, as it can represent the idea of death or the absence of light. It can also symbolize the end of a chapter or the completion of a cycle.

  • White is often associated with new beginnings, as it can represent purity, innocence, and a blank slate. It can also symbolize a fresh start or a new phase in life.

  • Green is often associated with growth, renewal, and new beginnings, as it is the color of new plants and leaves. It can also represent hope, abundance, and prosperity.

  • Blue is often associated with change, as it is the color of the sky and the ocean, which are always in motion. It can also represent new opportunities, new ideas, and a fresh perspective.

  • Gold is often associated with success, achievement, and new beginnings, as it can represent the start of a new phase in life. It can also symbolize wealth, abundance, and prosperity.

I hope you got some nice ideas to match the 999 tattoo meaning! 

You can also choose a specific tattoo style to match the meaning of your tattoo. 


You have a choice between so many different styles of tattoos. Pick a tattoo style that represents your 999 tattoo’s meaning, endings, and beginnings.

I would recommend these 5 tattoo styles: 

  • A minimalist tattoo style can convey the concept of endings and new beginnings in a simple and elegant way. A minimalist 999 tattoo could be done in a fine-line style, or with a simple, small font.

  • A traditional tattoo style can give the 999 tattoos a classic and timeless look. A traditional tattoo often features bold lines, bright colors, and strong imagery. It’s a great choice for a tattoo that represents both endings and new beginnings.

  • A watercolor tattoo style can give the 999 tattoos a soft and dreamy feel. A watercolor tattoo can feature blended colors and abstract designs. It can represent the concept of change and transition.

  • A geometric tattoo style can give the 999 tattoos a modern and unique look. A geometric tattoo often features precise lines and shapes, which can represent the idea of order and structure, even in times of change.

  • A script tattoo style can give the 999 tattoos a personal and meaningful touch. A script tattoo can feature a favorite quote or phrase that represents the idea of endings and new beginnings. It can be done in a variety of fonts and styles.

Here are other tattoo styles you can also choose for your 999 tattoo’s meaning:

  • Black and grey tattoo style: One of the most common styles. You can do all the other styles in black and grey style.

  • Realistic tattoo style: Looks exactly like reality. They can represent a commitment to excellence and attention to detail.

  • Japanese tattoo style: Use symbols. Perfect for telling a story. They can represent strength, power, and resilience.

  • Blackwork tattoo style: All black. Perfect for standing out!

  • Tribal tattoo style: From the origins of the tattoos. Inspired by the cultures, Polynesian, Native American, and more. A strong style perfect for confidence!

  • Anime tattoo style: Inspired by animes, TV shows, and comics.

  • Abstract tattoo style: Does not try to represent reality. A great way to differentiate.

  • Neo-traditional tattoo style: Inspired by traditional tattoos with more true lifelines and colors. Looks Old school with a feeling of new.

  • Portrait tattoo style: Must be done by a high-skilled tattoo artist.

  • Sketch tattoo style: Gives a very authentic look to the tattoo.

  • Cartoon tattoo style: It can be anything inspired by your favorite cartoon.

  • Trash Polka tattoo style: A mix of realism, blackwork, and trash.

  • Aesthetic tattoo style: Can be almost anything. Focus on beauty pleasure. 

  • Ignorant tattoo style: Looks like a kid’s drawing.


Like other tattoos, your body is your limit! 

You can get a tattoo anywhere you want on your body (I don’t recommend the face for obvious reasons).

It’s better to choose a place that matches the meaning of endings and beginnings.

In this case, you have a wide range of choices. 

  • The wrist is a popular location for small tattoos and is a great option if you want the tattoo to be easily visible. It’s also a good spot to symbolize the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one as your wrist is where your hand and arm meet.

  • The upper arm is a great spot for larger tattoos that can symbolize the end of one journey and the beginning of another. This area is also a good option if you want to keep your tattoo more private.

  • The back is a large canvas and allows for bigger designs that can convey the message of endings and beginnings. This area is also great for more elaborate designs that can incorporate multiple symbols or elements.

  • The ankle is a popular spot for small tattoos. It can be a great location for a symbol that represents the end of one phase of your life and the beginning of another. This placement is also great for those who want a discreet tattoo that can be covered up easily.

I usually do some simulations of tattoos to get an idea of the final result. For this, I print a design I like and fix it with adhesive on different places on my body.

You will understand quickly which part of your body is the best for your angel number tattoo.

Where you get your tattoo is ultimately up to you, but keep in mind that some places are more painful than others.

I experienced different levels of pain for each of my tattoos. It depends on the area of the body, the thickness of the lines of the draw, and the filling (or not) of these areas by colors.

You can read my article Angel Number Tattoo FULL GUIDE to know more about the pain levels of a tattoo.


What is the meaning of the 999 tattoo?

The meaning of the number 999 is about endings. It suggests that a major phase or cycle in your life is coming to an end. It’s time to let go of the past and embrace new beginnings.

What symbols can I use for my 999 tattoo?

– popular: the Ankh, Ouroboro, the infinity symbol, yin-yang, mandala, celtic knot, tree of life, crescent moon
– animals: phoenix, butterfly, snake, dragonfly, bear
– lotus, daffodil, cherry blossom, white lily, rose, sunflower

Please check out my related article Angel number tattoo FULL GUIDE. You will find the answers to the following questions:

  • Where to go if you want to get an angel number tattoo?
  • Which aftercare for my angel number tattoo?
  • How much does an angel number tattoo cost? 
  • Can you get multiple angel number tattoos?
  • Can you have all angel numbers in one tattoo?
  • Is it bad luck to get angel numbers tattooed?


Remember, when choosing a tattoo, it’s important to take the time to reflect on what luck, abundance, and success symbol resonates with you the most. Your tattoo should be a reflection of your personal beliefs and values.

It’s also a great way to connect with your spiritual guides.

Enjoy your tattoo!

Related article “Angel numbers tattoo full guide”.

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I am passionated about the laws of the universe and its surprises! My goal is to help you understand the signs we receive sometimes and how it can help you to find guidance in your life.